
  • 노후대책 노후준비는 대체 어 봅시­다
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 16. 14:27


    북유럽 사람들이 행복한 이유는 노후를 준비할 필요가 없어서일까...그런데 노후준비, 노후대책, 한국에서는 흔히 하는 말인데 기사를 읽어보거나 무엇을 읽어도 이것이 화제가 되는 일은 드물지 않았다.그래서 일부러 검색해 보는→plans for old agemaking ready for life in old age→옛날 글이 많다.ht­htps://www.moneycrashers.com/plan-old-age-elder-care-no-kids/

    처음에 나온건 금전적인 이유보다는 아이가 없어서 뭔가 달리기를 해줄 사람이 없으면 어쩌나 하는 느낌의 내용.ᄏᄏᄏᄏ근데 듣고 싶다60이후에 자신의 아이가 자신을 관리하고 원하는지?나는 노노노노지 인생지가 살기를 원하는 아이가 갖고 싶은 것이 노프 대책을 하는 것 중 하나라면 정말 완전 반대든 내 개인적인 생각, 노후 대책은 필요하다. 특히 우리나라에서는 단, 여행을 조금만 다니면 노후대책을 할 수 없다. ​ ​ ​ ht중 tp://www.samvednacare.com/blog/2017/01/20/at-what-age-do-we-start-planning-for-old-age-and-5-ways-to-do-it/​ At what age do we start planning for old age and 5 ways to do it​ ​

    언제부터 노후를 준비해야 하는가?그리고 그걸 할 수 있는 5가지 방법!2017년 글이다.​ ​ ging is a time of transition.It happens naturally, but aging well takes careful planning.For many thousands of years, mankind has wondered when old age began.Beginning at the turn of the 20th century, life spans in India started steadily rising, from 32 years to 66.2 years.This is majorly due to availability of a vast array of drugs in the market.Older adults face many decisions in the last decades of their life.Taking some time to look at the issues ahead and plan accordingly can make the future easier and more enjoyable. ​ ​ ​ 그 방법으로는 ​ ​ 1)Healthy lifestyle:Being active, following a nutritious diet and exercising regularly can reduce the risk of health problems and increase your energylevels. Eating well gives your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs to ward off illness and keep you healthy. Good nutrition also helps to improve mental and physical well-being. Regularisease and cancer. ​ 건강하다는 것 ​ 2)Regular Checkups and Screenings:Elderly should follow up with their doctors and get regular check up and tests which are recommended to them(mammograms beginning at age 40, colonoscopies beginning at age 50, etc). The earlier problems are caught, the easier they are to treat and the less likely they are to become chronic issues that keep you down in retirement.mammograms - 유방x선 ​ ​ ​ 3)Financial Planning:Understanding and planning for future expenses(unexpected medical cost apart from normal expenses)and staying informed about available income sources will help them maintain their desired standard of living. Income sources may include personal retirement savings and investments, private and public pension plans and other financial assistance​ ​ 4)Retaining Independence:A key step in planning for independence is assessing one's home to determine if it can meet the changing needs while ageing.Elderly prefer to live their own homes for years with some modifications to their daily routines.If they decide that they can no longer live safely and independently in their home, they can explore the options available in their community Planning for independence also includes thinking about what to do when ederly is ready to retire from driving Many people outlive the ability to drive safely due to medical c. 독립을 준비하는 데 가장 중요한 것은 지금 내가 살고 있는 집이 나이가 들어도 내 요구를 충족시킬 수 있는지를 파악하는 것이다.나이가 들면 내 생활의 루틴에 맞춰 수정집에 살고 싶다는 생각이 든다.만약 아니라면 커뮤니티 찾으면 되고, 운전할 수 없게 되었을 때는 어떻게 할지도 생각해 봐야지-(이것 좀 신선해?) 아. 운전;음.. 나는 지금도 운전을 못하기 때문에 ;​ ​ 5)Social support:Part of aging well is having well-developedrelationships. It is important for the ederly to have friends and social contact as isolation isn't healthy They can join some groups that share common interests or beliefs and can find some n. Social connections with community me will give them greater control over their independence, quality of life and dignity 대장내시경, 한국어로는 많이 쓰는 말인데 영어로 몰랐는데 이번에 알아들었는데, 이번에 알아들었어요.



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